Interlibrary loans for enrolled Patrons

Interlibrary loans for enrolled Patrons

Last modified: 22. September 2022

General information

Interlibrary loans may be requested for items that are not are owned by Kosáry Domokos Library and Archives or other institutional libraries at MATE, or Gödöllő City Library, and aren't available online.
The following items can be obtained by interlibrary loan:

  • books,
  • photocopies or scanned copies of book chapters,
  • photocopies or scanned copies of journal/periodical articles.

Not available through interlibrary loan:

  • doctoral dissertations,
  • diploma, TDK ( Scientific Students’ Association) and candidate dissertations,
  • manuscripts,
  • standards,
  •  items with special library proceedings (eg. old and rare books).

All libraries reserve the right to refuse any interlibrary loan request.
The copyright law of Hungary (Act LXXVI. of 1999 on Copyright, Article 38 (5).) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specific conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research. If someone makes a request for a photocopy or reproduction, and later uses it for purposes in excess of “fair use,” that user may be liable for copyright infringement.

Submitting interlibrary loan requests

Required information:
Full name, Library Card number, and e-mail address of the requesting person
For Books:

  • The type of the interlibrary loan: digital copy, photocopy, the original item (book)
  • Author and title,
  • Place and year of publication, publisher
  • ISBN
  • For book chapters also the title of the chapter, and page numbers

For Articles:

  • The type of the interlibrary loan: digital copy, photocopy, the original item (book)
  • Author and title of the article
  • Title and volume, issue number of the journal
  • Year of publication
  • Article page numbers

Submissions can be made:
1. On a printed request form
Printed request forms are available and need to be submitted at the Circulation Desk. A separate form needs to be submitted for each item.
 2. By E-mail
A request may be submitted with all the required information to

Fulfilment period
Requests are processed within 1-2 business days of receiving them, except on weekends and holidays. Once processed, the fulfilment period depends on the lending libraries to fill the requests. It also depends on what type of service was requested (digital copy, photocopy, or original book.) Books and photocopies can take 1 -1,5 weeks to arrive after the loan was approved by the other library. Digital copies typically arrive within 3-4 business days.
International loans

International loans are delivered to our library through the National Széchényi Library (OSZK).

  • international loans may be requested for items if none of the domestic libraries is able to provide them.
  • Items may take 3-4 weeks to arrive. The loan period for these items is usually between 14–30 days. Materials are eligible for renewal with the consent of the lending library, typically with no additional fees.
  • Please note, that international loan requests cannot be cancelled.

Conditions for interlibrary loans

The Patron will be notified when the requested item is available for pick-up.

The notification sent to the e-mail address provided by the Patron will also include information about the return due date and renewal options. These depend on the loaning library.

Documents may be collected at the Circulation Desk. Documents may only be used for scientific research or individual studying purposes regulated by Hungarian copyright laws.

Unlike the photocopies, the original items (books) can only be used in the Library Reading Rooms. However, University researchers and lecturers may be allowed to borrow the books as well.

Domestic interlibrary loans
Original items (books):
Delivery fees are paid by the lending, respectively requesting libraries.
Photocopies and digital copies:
The cost of the domestic interlibrary loan of photocopied documents, if any, is determined by the lending library and is payable by the Patron with cash at the Circulation Desk. University academic staff may be eligible for other paying options.
International loans
Original items (books):
The service fee for an international loan of a book is 4500 HUF/book, payable by the Patron.  The library pays the delivery fee to the National Széchényi Library (OSZK.)
Photocopies and digital copies:
The service fee for the international loan of photocopied journal articles is determined by the foreign library and includes all delivery fees as well, totalling usually between 3500 - 4000 HUF. It is payable with cash at the Circulation Desk. University academic staff may be eligible for other paying options.