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Last modified: 03. October 2024

Library items can be borrowed in person by presenting a valid Library Card at the Circulation Desk.
Loan item limit: 15 items on a card at any time. Patrons can borrow only one copy of any book.

Borrowing is not permitted if the Patron:

  • has reached the loan item limit, or
  • the Patron owes the Library 2500 HUF or more in fines and charges.

Loan period
There are stamps on the first page of the books providing information about the length of the loan period. Academic staff may be permitted long term loans as well.
The loan period is also shown by colour stripes on the book’s spine: :

  • red: not loanable
  • blue: loanable for one week (weekly loan)
  • green: loanable for a month (monthly loan)

Not loanable items

  • periodicals, daily and weekly newspapers;
  • research collection (SK Collection) placed in the Walleshausen Gyula Room,
  • old and rare books (RR Special Collection – books published before 1851);
  • doctoral dissertations (the dissertations published in and after 2013 are available full text online in the old repository Szent István Archívum and / or the new repository MATER PhD )
  • diploma and TDK dissertations – both printed and pdf copies of these are placed in institutional and departmental libraries
  • most items owned in a single copy
  • books published before 1945;
  • some electronic items (CD, DVD).

Overnight loans
If there is are no available loanable copies of a particular item, non-loanable items may be borrowed for “short-time” (overnight) half an hour before closing. Old and rare book collection, periodicals and doctoral dissertations are not eligible for overnight loan.
Overnight loans must be returned during the first hour after opening on the following business day (usually by 9 a.m.) If not returned in time, a late fee of 500 HUF/day must be paid.
Dictionary loan for language exams
Non-loanable dictionaries can be borrowed for the duration of a language exam, if there aren’t any loanable copies.

Late fees
For overdue items, there is a late fee to be paid as it follows:

  • weekly and monthly loans: 50,- HUF / day / document
  • not loanable / overnight loans: 500,- HUF / day / document