Remote access through eduID

Information about eduID

Last modified: 20. October 2023

Access to databases subscribed by the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences with eduID authentication

Most of the domestic and international databases available at the University can be accessed not only on campus but also remotely trough eduID.

The user authentication eduID is an authorisation system of the Hungarian Research and Educational Federation (HREF). The aim of eduID is to allow the use of services for its members and partners in a mutually agreed, trusted way. When a user attempts to access such a service, it is their home institution that authenticates them and authorisation is based on the user information originating from their home institution.

For remote access, the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences or its precedessor, Szent István University must be selected:

After choosing the university, the user’s details must be enterred carefully.

Employees of the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences:

Username: network login name
Password: network password


Username: Neptun code
Password: the password set at the IT Authorization Management System (JoKeR)



After logging in, the content of the database becomes available to the users.
​​​​​​​We wish everyone a successful job using our digital resources!