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Last modified: 01. February 2024

Anyone of age 14 and older may enrol to the Library. It is made personally at the Circulation Desk by filling out the enrolment form and by accepting the Library regulations.
Documents required for enrolment:

• ID for personal identification (resident permit or passport for international students)
• student ID card or legal certificate

The enrolment is valid for a calendar year and must be renewed yearly.
Enrolment fees:

        Category Fee
  • MATE students, teachers, researchers, employees and retirees
  • 14-16 year olds
  • Seniors 70 years and older
  • Employees of Hungarian libraries, museums and archives
Free of charge
  • Senior citizens under 70 years of age
  • Parents eligible for childcare benefits
  • Everyone eligible for disability retirement or unemployment benefits
200,- HUF
  • Academic and research staff members and students of other higher educational institutions
  • Secondary school students (with valid student ID)
  • MATE Alumni (with valid alumni card)
1000,- HUF
  • Persons not belonging to any of the above categories
2000,- HUF